How to Write Pie Chart in IELTS Writing Task 1

Do you know how to handle the IELTS Pie Chart in Writing Task 1? Is this chart type any different from the rest in IELTS Writing Task 1? In this article, let's learn with Dol how to recognize the IELTS Task 1 Pie chart format as well as how to write a Pie chart in IELTS quickly and effectively!



1. Identify Pie Chart in IELTS Writing Task 1 

IELTS Pie Chart is a chart shown in the form of a circle and divided into parts so that the percentage is the total number. Thus, the numbers in the pie chart are written as a percentage of the total.

Depending on the topic, the number of objects in the pie chart can range from 2 to 6, each object is distinguished by a different color or symbol, and has a specific note box next to it. 

Pie Chart is a very common type of essay in IELTS Writing Part 1

Pie Chart is a type of card that often appears in Writing Task 1

Like other IELTS Writing Task 1 chart types, IELTS Pie chart is divided into 2 types :

  • Graph with trend (Graph with trend)
Example of Pie Chart Graph with trend ISELTS Writing Task 1

The chart below shows a comparison of different kinds of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005

  • Graph without trend (Graph without trend)
Example of Pie Chart Graph without trend IELTS Writing Task 1

The pie charts show the destination of export goods in three countries in 2010

2. Do the steps to write a Pie chart description change over time?

For the type of IELTS Writing Task 1 Pie chart that changes over time, Dol English suggests you apply the following 4-step process to write a Pie Chart in IELTS:

  • Step 1 : Analyze the topic overview.
  • Step 2 : Apply the technique ' paraphrasing ' to complete the introduction sentence (Introduction) .
  • Step 3 : Analyze the overview of changing trends and outstanding information of the chart to write an Overview.
  • Step 4 : Select and group information into two body paragraphs .

Let's practice data analysis and detailed information with DOL to be able to write a complete article for the IELTS Pie Chart (with trend) below!

Đề bài: The pie charts below show information on the highest level of education of women in Someland in 1945 and 1995. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the two graphs below.

Bài mẫu IELTS Pie Chart (with trend) IELTS Wrting Task 1

The pie charts below show information on the highest level of education of women in Someland in 1945 and 1995

2.1. Step 1: Analyze the topic overview

After receiving the topic, the writer should not immediately start writing the article, but should spend 2-3 minutes to learn and draw general information and data about the content of the chart.

For the above problem, after observing the introductory sentence and the chart, we can draw some detailed information and data as follows:

  • Who is depicted in the chart: The highest level of education of women in Someland
  • Number of objects: 7
  • Unit: Percent (%)
  • Timeline: 1945 and 1995
  • Verb tense: Past Simple
Important factors in the IELTS Writing Pie Chart analysis step

Information to note in the analysis step

2.2. Step 2: Apply 'paraphrasing' technique to complete the Introduction

Similar to other types of diagrams, to be able to write the introduction correctly and quickly, we need to ' paraphrase ' the summary that the topic gives, use synonyms or change the structure. sentence.

However, you should note that you must rewrite in your own words, not copy the summary. In the example, the topic summary looks like this:

 SubjectVerbThe object is describedPlaceTime
TopicThe pie chartsshow information onthe highest level of education of womenin Somelandin 1945 and 1995
Paraphrase the topicThe pie chartsillustratehow the women education scenario in Someland changed by comparing the highest level of female education in 1995 with that of five decades earlier.

2.3. Step 3: Analyze the overview of trends and outstanding information to write an Overview

Applying the same method of writing articles with graphs with trend , in the Overview paragraph , the writer needs to present the following characteristics:

  • Trend characteristics: Do the data of the objects in the chart change according to the uptrend, downtrend, stay the same?
  • Characteristics of magnitude: Which object's data is the highest? The shortest?)

In this part, the writer can present the above content in 1-2 sentences, but must ensure to mention the trend characteristics.

Looking at the 2 graphs given by the problem, we can see an immediate change in the percentage of women who dropped out of school in the 6th grade completely disappeared in 1995 compared to 1945. In addition, the rate Women at the remaining levels of education also increased significantly.

From the topic above, candidates can make the following statements:

Overall, a notable progress in education was achieved by women in Someland.

2.4. Step 4: Select and group information into 2 body paragraphs

Depending on the characteristics of the IELTS Pie chart , the writer must choose how to divide the information accordingly. Specifically, writers can:

  • Split details by year
  • Split details by object

For the above topic, we can divide the information into two body paragraphs by year:

  • Body paragraph 1 (Body 1): Description of data for 1945
  • Second body paragraph (Body 2): Describe the data for 1995.

Body 1:

In this section, we will also describe the statistics on the educational attainment of Someland women in 1945:

  • 35% received no education
  • 35% quitted before finishing Primary School
  • 15%: Grade 6
  • 10%: Grade 9
  • 4%: Grade 12
  • 1%: Certificate
  • 0%: Post graduation

Example for Body 1:

According to the diagrams, more than one-third women in Someland did not receive any formal education in 1945 while another one-third dropped out before they even completed their primary education. This is a dismaying figure for women in terms of their schooling in Someland in 1945.

Moreover, almost a quarter female merely finished their sixth and ninth grades whereas only 4% made it to their 12th grades. Merely 1% of these women were awarded their first-degree certificates while none of them earned the post-graduation qualification.

Body 2:

In the second paragraph, we will show the improvement in the educational attainment of Someland women in 1995.

  • 20% post graduate;
  • 50% received certificate;
  • Other: Grade 9 at least.

Example for Body 2:

However, after fifty years, the progress was remarkable when one in every five women in Someland finished their post-graduation, half of them earned their first-degree and all other women finished at least grade 9. No women in Someland in 1995 were deprived of their education and 20% of them finished school years to finish their 12 grades.

Thus, we have completed a description of the Pie chart with the change of the time element as follows:

Introduction: The pie charts show how the women's education scenario in Someland changed by comparing the highest level of female education in 1995 with that of five decades earlier.

Overview: Overall, a notable progress in education was achieved by women in Someland.

Body 1: According to the diagrams, more than one-third women in Someland did not receive any formal education in 1945 while another one-third dropped out before they even completed their primary education. This is a dismaying figure for women in terms of their schooling in Someland in 1945.

Moreover, almost a quarter of females merely finished their sixth and ninth grades whereas only 4% made it to their 12th grades. Merely 1% of these women were awarded their first-degree certificates while none of them earned the post-graduation qualification.

Body 2: However, after fifty years, the progress was remarkable when one in every five women in Someland finished their post-graduation, half of them earned their first-degree and all women finished at least grade 9. No women in Someland in 1995 were deprived of their education and 20% of them finished school years to finish their 12 grades.

You can refer to how to write Pie Chart in IELTS Writing here:

3. The steps to write a Pie chart description do not change over time 

Similar to the process of describing the IELTS Pie chart that changes with the above time factor, we also perform 4 steps of analysis and writing for the Pie chart with no change over time.

  • Step 1 : Analyze the topic overview
  • Step 2 : Apply ' paraphrasing ' technique to complete the introduction sentence (Introduction)
  • Step 3 : Analyze the overview of changing trends and outstanding information of the chart to write an Overview.
  • Step 4 : Select and group information into two body paragraphs
4 steps to write IELTS pie chart

Steps to write pie chart in IELTS

Let's practice with DOL to analyze information and write a complete article for IELTS Writing Task 1 Pie Chart (without trend) below! 

Đề bài: The pie chart gives information on UAE government spending in 2000. The total budget was AED 315 billion. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. (Write at least 150 words.)

Bài mẫu IELTS Pie Chart (without trend) IELTS Writing Task 1

The pie chart gives information on UAE government spending in 2000

3.1. Step 1: Analyze the topic

  • The audience is depicted in the chart: UAE government spending in 2000.
  • Number of objects: 10
  • Unit: Percent (%)
  • Timeline: Year 2000
  • Verb tense: Past Simple

3.2. Step 2: Paraphrase the topic – Write Introduction

Applying the ' paraphrasing ' technique , we have the Introduction as follows:

Introduction: The pie chart gives information on UAE government spending in 2000. The total budget was AED 315 billion. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. (Write at least 150 words)

 SubjectVerbThe object is describedTime
TopicThe pie chartgives information onUAE government spendingin 2000
Paraphrase the topicThe pie chartshowsthe UAE government’s budget spending of 315 billion AED in different sectorsin 2000

3.3. Step 3: Identify ideas and write Overview

Usually, in IELTS Task 1 Pie chart there is no trend, the highlight to mention in the Overview paragraph will usually be a comparison of the size of the items based on their respective sizes.

Analyzing the above chart, we can identify some typical information as follows:

  • Highest spendings: Social security and healthcare
  • Lowest spendings: Transport, law and order, housing and industry/agriculture and employment sectors


Overally, UAE government’s maximum spending went in social security and healthcare sectors while the least amounts were spent on transport, law and order, housing and industry/ agriculture and employment sectors.

3.4. Step 4: Select, group information and write 2 Detail . paragraphs

After the Overview section, we will filter and arrange the information mentioned in the chart. In these two body paragraphs, we need to list the data of each item, and can arrange them in order from highest to lowest, or vice versa. In other cases, the writer may arrange related items into the same paragraph.

Analyzing the description for the above example, we have the body of paragraph 1 as follows:

Main idea of ​​the article:

  • 100 billion in social security highest
  • 53 million on health and personal social services second
  • 38 million AED was spent on education
  • 23 billion both in debt and other expenditures


According to the pie chart, the UAE administration allocated AED 100 billion in social security from their national budget of AED 315 billion. This single sector cost the UAE government almost one - third of the total budget.

This year the government’s expense was 53 million on health and personal social services, which was the second largest sector in terms of expenditure made by the UAE government. 38 million AED was spent on education while 23 billion both in debt and other expenditures.

Continuing, paragraph 2 we continue to compare the next items:

Main idea of ​​the article:

  • 22 billion in Defence sector
  • 15 billion of the budget was spent on housing and environment
  • 3 billion for the industry, employment and agriculture sectors
  • 9 billion, went to the transport sector


The government used 22 billion in Defence sector while 15 billion of the budget was spent on housing and environment. Next, the government spent 13 billion for the industry, employment and agriculture sectors. Finally, The lowest amount of money, only 9 billion, went to the transport sector.

Thus, we have completed a Pie chart IELTS Writing Task 1 description with no change in time factor as follows:

Introduction: The pie chart shows the UAE government’s budget spending of 315 billion AED in different sectors in 2000.

→ Overview: Overally, UAE government’s maximum spending went in social security and healthcare sectors while the least amounts were spent on transport, law and order, housing and industry/agriculture and employment sectors.

→ Body 1: According to the pie chart, the UAE administration allocated AED 100 billion in social security from their national budget of AED 315 billion. This single sector cost the UAE government almost one - third of the total budget.

This year the government’s expense was 53 million on health and personal social services, which was the second largest sector in terms of expenditure made by the UAE government. 38 million AED was spent on education while 23 billion both in debt and other expenditures.

→ Body 2: The government used 22 billion in Defence sector while 15 billion of the budget was spent on housing and the environment. Next, the government spent 13 billion for the industry, employment and agriculture sectors. Finally, The lowest amount of money, only 9 billion, went to the transport sector.

See more things to note when writing Pie Chart IELTS Writing task 1 in the document below:

4. Some Vocabulary and Structures Often Used in Pie Charts

To complete the IELTS Task 1 Pie chart article , you can use some common sentence patterns and vocabulary as follows:

In the Introduction , similar to other types of charts in IELTS Writing Task 1, you can use the following vocabulary words:

  • The chart(s) give(s) information on/ illustrate(s)/ demonstrate(s)/ compare(s)/ highlight(s)… 

Continuing, to start the Overview paragraph , the writer can use phrases used to state general trends or outstanding information such as:

  • Used to state the overall trend: Overall/ In general/ Generally,…
  • Used to highlight information:
    • It is clear that…
    • It can be seen that…
    • A noticeable/ remarkable point is that…

For Body - Detailed description of the number, in addition to using natural numbers, you can present the data as a fraction:

25%30 - 35%50%65 - 68%75%
a quarterone thirda halftwo thirdthree fourths

Finally, here are the four structures used to list metrics:

  • There + be + number

Ví dụ: There were 4 million Dutch citizens, accounted for 40% of the population, voted for him.

  • To account for/ constitute/ amount to/ occupy

Ví dụ: Toyota’s expenditure on TV advertising last year accounted for 30%.

  • The amount/ number/ percentage + be + number

Example: The percentage was 45%.

  • Number + be +The amount/ number/ percentage of something

Ví dụ: 45% is the percentage of women who have more than 2 children in Vietnam.

Not only vocabulary is important in IELTS Writing. In fact, grammar is much more important in many respects. Candidates need to evaluate when the data occurs or is collected for use. Usually, the timeline will be in the past, but not always. Sometimes the pie chart will contain speculative data about the future, at which point candidates need to choose the right verb form to describe it correctly.

Common vocabulary for IELTS Writing task 1 Pie Chart

Summary of some commonly used words in IELTS Writing Pie Chart

Common lesson structures in IELTS Writing Pie Chart

4 Common Structures in Pie Chart

5. Pie chart IELTS Sample - Questions with detailed answers

Here, DOL will share with you IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics with detailed explanations! Let's find out now!

5.1. Topic 1

Đề bài: The charts below show the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.

IELTS Pie Chart sample question paper for May 28, 2020

IELTS Writing Task 1 exam on May 28, 2020

Reference articles:

Introduction: The pie charts illustrate the proportion of water which has various uses (industrial, agricultural and domestic) in 6 regions in the world.

→ Overview: Overall, it can be seen that the majority of water is used for industrial purposes in Europe and North America, while the remaining areas exploit this resource for agriculture.

→ Body 1: It can be seen that North America and Europe share similar patterns of water consumption. Specifically, roughly half of water is used in the industry sector. While the percentage of water used in agriculture is 39% and 32% in North America and Europe, respectively, these regions allocated only small amounts of water for domestic use (13% and 15%). 

→ Body 2: Regarding other areas, the highest proportion of water goes to agriculture, with Central Asia taking the leading position of 88%. In South America, there is nearly one-fifth of water used for domestic purposes, whereas this figure in the other 3 regions is less than 10%. Finally, most aforementioned regions have the least water consumption in industry, with the exception of South East Asia which used 12% of water for industrial purposes.

5.2. Topic 2

Đề bài: The charts below give information about different types of waste disposed of in one country in 1960 and 2011.

IELTS Pie Chart sample question paper dated 09/07/2020

IELTS Writing Task 1 exam date 09/07/2022

Reference articles:

Introduction: The given pie charts illustrated data on waste disposal of various categories in a nation in 1960 and 2011.

→ Overview: Overall, it can be seen that there was an increase in the proportion of plastic, wood and food disposal while people threw away less paper, textile and other types of waste. In addition, disposed metal, glass and green waste shared almost the same figure in two years.

→ Body 1: In 1960, 25% of paper was discarded but this percentage fell by 10% in 2011. Regarding textile, this category also experienced a slight decline of 6% (from 17% to 11%) in the same time frame. Besides, the amount of other waste got rid of in 2011 was 3 times lower than that in 1960. 

→ Body 2: It is clear that the proportion of plastic and food waste grew by roughly 10% in 2011 compared to the other year. And people disposed of a two-fold amount of wood 51 years after 1960. In terms of glass, metal and green waste, these types of disposal shared almost constant figure over the period. Specifically, the two latter types’ disposal were approximately 9% while the percentage of glass thrown away was only 5%.

Here are some sample Pie charts you can refer to for extra practice:

IELTS Wrting Task 1 Pie Chart Samples

The charts show the main methods of transport of people travelling to one university in 2004 and 2009

IELTS Wrting Task 1 Pie Chart Samples

The pie charts indicate changes in the proportions of energy produced in a country from 1983 to 2003

IELTS Wrting Task 1 Pie Chart Samples

The pie charts show the average household expenditures in Japan and Malaysia in the year 2010

IELTS Wrting Task 1 Pie Chart Samples

The pie charts below show units of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.

IELTS Wrting Task 1 Pie Chart Samples

The pie charts show the distribution of visitors to 4 different types tourist attractions in the UK in two years.

6. Frequently asked questions about Pie Chart IELTS Writing

How to write the conclusion of a pie chart?

The conclusion should reflect the overall idea of ​​the question. A small tip is to be able to mention the highest or lowest weights in the Pie Chart to write a conclusion.

What are the advantages of Pie Charts?

Allows you to quickly view, compare data to perform immediate analysis or understand information quickly.

What is another name for a pie chart?

Pie Chart aka:

  • Circle graph
  • Histogram
  • Scatter diagram

The above article has summarized the information you need to know about the IELTS Pie chart format , as well as methods to handle this type of test quickly and effectively.

Hopefully with this article, you will have one more useful source of information to refer to, as well as build yourself a good foundation for the Pie chart in Writing Task 1 before the exam. Wish you achieve the expected band score in the IELTS exam!

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