Vocabulary synthesis commonly used in IELTS Writing Task 1

If IELTS Writing Task 2 requires students to accumulate a lot of vocabulary on different topics in life, IELTS Writing Task 1 only needs candidates to learn vocabulary and structures related to descriptions of charts and graphs. data. So these Vocabulary For IELTS Writing Task 1 And what is this structure? Let's find out in detail with DOL in the article below!



Dec 20, 2021

2 mins read

Tổng hợp Vocabulary thường dùng trong IELTS Writing Task 1

1. Vocabulary in the introduction - Introduction

Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1The Introduction section mainly focuses on interpretation(paraphrasing) topic again.

Here are some commonly used vocabulary and structures to write Introduction:

ArticleGraph typeverb(s)ObjectOthers

TheThe givenThe demonstratedThe presentedThe suppliedThe shownThe provided  

Pie chartBar chartDiagramTableMapOrocessFigureLine graphPresentationIllustrationFlow chartPictorialPictureColumn graphTable data information

ShowIllustrate Present CompareGive information onDemonstratesDescribesRepresentsOutlineProvideDelineateExpressDenoteContrastIndicateSummarizeEnumerateDepictCompare

The number of The figure for The percentage ofThe proportion of The ratio ofThe amountThe developmentsThe comparison ofThe differencesThe changesThe ratio ofThe trend ofHow theThe information onThe data on

In + number + countries/ areasIn + name of the countries/ areasFrom [year] to [10 years later]Over the period of 10 yearsDuring the 10 - year time frame   

Some issues to pay attention to when using vocabulary to write Introduction:

  • If the problem has only one graph, use the verb have“s”. And the topic has many graphs, the verb is not added“s”.
  • You need toparaphrase topic instead of using the same word as the given topic. Otherwise, the Introduction part will not be counted in the word count and you will be deducted points.
  • In the case of the problem for many different charts, you can introduce the main content that the charts represent, using“while” to connect the two sides.
  • The opening sentence of the Introduction is very important because it is the part that gives the first impression to the examiner about your writing ability.
  • If the article format has many charts, you can use the Introduction sentence as a whole instead of introducing each chart individually. But make sure you can write complex grammatically correct sentences to score points with the judges.)
  • A complete Introduction should cover 3 elements:What + Where + When.


The diagram presents information on the percentages of teachers who have expressed their views about the different problems they face when dealing with children in three Australian schools from 2001 to 2005.

     ↳ What = the percentages of teachers...

     ↳ Where = three Australian schools...

     ↳ When  = from 2001 to 2005…

>> See also: How to write articles IELTS Writing Line Graph here.

 Vocabulary For IElTS Writing Task 1 cho phần Introduction

Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 in the introduction

2. Vocabulary overview - Overview

The overview paragraph shows the overall idea of ​​the article. Some words you can use to start the overview are:

  • In general...
  • Overall,...
  • It is obvious/ clear that...
  • As can be seen that...
  • An overall trend can be seen is that...
  • It can be clearly seen that...
  • At the first glance, it is clear...
  • It is clearly presented that...
  • A glance at the graphs reveals that…


  • It can be seen that Germany and Switzerland had the highest percentage of males and females having higher education qualifications. In addition, the percentage of women holding degrees in higher education in Japan was the lowest among the surveyed categories.
  • It is clearly presented that there are nine stages in the process of making wool, starting from sheep herding to using wool in knitting or making woolen products.
  • It is obvious that there are 3 main stages during the procedure, starting with choosing the cocoa beans and ending with the final products to reach customers.
  • Overall, it can be seen that there was an increase in the proportion of plastic, wood and food disposal while people threw away less paper, textile and other types of waste. In addition, disposed metal, glass and green waste shared almost the same figure in two years.


When writing an Overview, you should not include detailed figures. Instead simply mention the most prominent characteristics or trends shown on the chart. Eg:

  • Should not: A glance at the graphs reveals that 70% male were employed in 2001 while 40 thousand women in this year had jobs.
  • Candlestick: A glance at the graphs reveals that more men were employed than their female counterparts in 2001 and almost two-third females were jobless in the same year.

3. Vocabulary in the body - Body

In this content, DOL will share with youIELTS Task 1 Vocabulary used in the body of the article:

  • Vocabulary to describe the chart:
    • Vocabulary to describe trends
    • Vocabulary to describe the rate of change
  • Vocabulary to describe the map:
    • Vocabulary describing general change
    • Vocabulary describing specific change
    • Vocabulary to describe direction
  • Vocabulary describing the process

3.1 Vocabulary For IELTS Writing Task 1 - Diagram Description

When encountering a Graph (not a Map or a Process), you can use thePhrases For IELTS Writing Task 1 following characteristics:


Erratic value(s)There is an erratic value in category A showing that…
Describe values ​​that are different from the majority of data(data)

Abnormal pointAn abnormal point of these 2 categories is that…
Describe values ​​that are different from most data

Volatile valuesAccording to the chart, volatile values locate mostly in category C.
Describe continuously fluctuating values

Notable exceptionThere is a notable exception in place B.
Notable exception description

Biggest majority/ minorityThe biggest majority in the pie chart is…
Describe the largest/smallest part (Usually in a pie chart - Pie Chart)


  • According to the chart, volatile values locate mostly in the number of female employees in this company.
  • There is an erratic value in the amount of spending showing that Canada has allocated a great fund to education.
 Phrases For IELTS Writing Task 1 dạng miêu tả bản đồ rất đa dạng

Vocabulary for ELTS Writing Task 1 is quite diverse

Vocabulary to describe trends

To describe the direction of change in an object, candidates can applyIELTS Task 1 Vocabulary Describe the following trends:

Get a raise

An increaseA growthA climbAn upward trendA rise

A decreaseA fallA downward trendA declineA drop
Keep stable
Remain stableRemain unchangedRemain steadyStabilise

No change
Continuous Variation
FluctuateBe volatile 

A fluctuation
Highest level
Hit the highest pointReach a peak
Lowest level
Hit the lowest point


  • The costs remained stable during the second week, with the notable exception of a drop on Monday to $50.
  • In addition, the percentage of women holding degrees in higher education in Japan increased over the period shown.
  • There was an increase in the proportion of non - native English speakers and overseas undergraduates in the country.
 IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary dạng miêu tả xu hướng

Words For IELTS Writing Task 1 trend description form

Vocabulary to describe the rate of change

During the writing process, candidates can also apply adjectives(Adjective) and adverb(Adverb) to describe the degree of change as follows:

Change too much
DramaticConsiderableSignificantRapidSharpSubstantial Pronounced 

DramaticallyConsiderably SignificantlyRapidlySharplySubstantially 
Moderate change
Moderate Modest

Little change
Slight Insignificant Marginal

Slightly InsignificantlyMarginally

  • Preposition 'to': Used to describe data to some extent

Eg: The number of people having their own car rose to 45%.

  • Preposition 'by': Used to describe data in a certain range

Eg: In 1960, 25% of paper was discarded but this percentage fell by 10% in 2011.

  • Preposition 'with': Used to describe the percentage, the amount captured

Eg: Australian is the one of the leading countries in the number of oversea students with 47%.

  • Preposition 'at': Used to add numbers at the end of a sentence

Eg: The percentage of water used in agriculture in North America and Europe increased significantly in 2000, at 38%.

Vocabulary For IELTS Writing Task 1 dùng để mô tả mức độ

Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 used to describe the level

Vocabulary describing ratio

When writing pie charts, tables, we must definitely know the vocabulary describing the ratio. In the graph containing percentages, we can apply some specialized vocabulary such as:

  • ...exactly/ approximately/ nearly/ roughly at 40%
  • …times higher/ lower than...
  • ...triple/ double...
  • A quarter = One-fourth = 25% = ¼
  • A half = 50% = ½ 
  • A minority/ small fraction...
  • A large proportion...
  • Almost...
  • The proportion/ percentage of...
  • Account for/ take up...


  • In addition, in country A, male and female laborers prefer to work in industry; whereas only a relatively small proportion of people in country B have jobs in agriculture.
  • Only 15% of men work in industry, which is double the figure recorded in women.
  • Regarding textile, this category also experienced a slight decline of 6% (from 17% to 11%) in the same time frame.
  • In specific, regarding facilities, nearly three - fourth of the club members graded the equipment in excellent state.

3.2 Vocabulary For IELTS Writing Task 1 - Map description form

Describe a specific change

Here are thevocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 used to describe a specific change that the candidate can apply:

Word typeVocabulary
Describe a specific change in an area
Describe the expansion
Describe the transformation
Description of the addition
Describe the change
Vocabulary for location
Between A and B
Between A and B
Among many things
Among + plural noun
In front of
Next to it, next to it
Beside/ Next to
Verbs that show change
Built (v) = Constructed (v): BuiltDestroyed (v) = Knocked down (v) = Demolished (v): DestroyedRenovated (v): Improved, refreshedRelocated (v) = Moved (v): MovedReplaced (v): ReplacedExpanded (v): ExpandedShrunk (v) = Diminished (v): ShrinkDeveloped (v): Develop, build more
Road/ Bridge
Built (v) = Constructed (v): BuiltDestroyed (v) = Knocked down (v) = Demolished (v): DestroyedExtended (v): ExtendedExpanded (v): Expanded

Vocabulary to describe direction

When writing IELTS Task 1 Map, candidates need to know how to describe the direction and location of elements on the map. You can consultVocabulary For IELTS Writing Task 1 in the following direction:


  • To the north of...
  • To the east of...
  • In the west...
  • To the south of...
  • To the north west of...
  • To the north east...
  • To the south east of...
  • To the south west of...

Specific directions: North - east/ South - east/ North - west/ South - west

Location description words:

  • on
  • next to
  • near
  • from north to south
  • from east to west
  • by
  • across from
  • nearby
  • between
  • beside
  • over
  • along


  • The library is located in the North - East corner of the area.
  • The river is to the west of the school.
  • The apartment is in the north.
IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary dùng để miêu tả phương hướng

Vocabulary For IELTS Writing Task 1 is used to describe the direction

3.3 Vocabulary For IELTS Writing Task 1 - Process description form

To increase the connection between the sentences and the steps in the process, when writing the IELTS description candidates should use theWords For IELTS Writing Task 1 Process or:

  • Description of the first step: First/ At the beginning of the process, S + V.
  • Describe next steps: Next/ After that/ Afterwards/ Following this/ Subsequently, S + V
  • Describe the steps that occur concurrently: Simultaneously/ At the same time, S + V
  • Description of the final step: Finally/ At the end of the process, S + V


  • At the beginning of the process, wood is collected from the forest.
  • After that, it is delivered to the factory on a truck.
  • Next, the wood log is cut into smaller pieces.
  • Simultaneously, a machine is prepared to carve the wood pieces.
  • Afterwards, the wood pieces are cleaned and polished.
  • Finally, the product is available for commercial use.
Phrases For IELTS Writing Task 1 dùng để mô tả quy trình

IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary used to describe the process

Explore moreVocabulary For IELTS Writing Task 1 in the following document:

4. Common Sentences for IELTS Writing Task 1

4.1 Comparative sentence structure

There are 3 main forms of comparison that candidates need to pay attention to:

  • Superlative:Subject + is the most/least + Adjective + Noun

Eg: Football is the most popular sport in Vietnam.

  • Comparative (Comparative): Subject + is more/less+ Adjective + than + Noun

Eg: Football is more popular than tennis in Vietnam.

  • Equal comparison: Subject + is as+ Adjective + as + Noun

Eg: Football is as popular as tennis in Vietnam.

4.2 Location Description Structure

  • Between A and B: Between A and B

Eg: The school is between the hospital and the church.

  • Among + plural noun: Between many things (usually 3 or more)

Eg: The new leisure complex is built among the trees.

  • In front of: Front

Eg: The shopping mall is in front of the parking lot.

  • Behind: Behind

Eg: The parking lot is behind the shopping mall.

  • Across: Through

Example: The university isacross the street.

  • Along: Along

Ví dụ: Some new houses have been built along the river.

  • Beside/ Next to: Next to it, next to it

Example: The hall isnext to the shop.

4.3 Other structures

To describe percentages, candidates can use structures and vocabulary such as:

  • Subject + account for/make up/be responsible for (chiếm) + [Data]

Eg: Pizza consumers account for 25% of the population.

  • [Data] + conn

Eg: 25% of the population consume pizzas.

  • There are/ is/ was/ were + [Data] + who + Verb

Eg: There were 25% of students that forgot to do homework.

5. Some notes when learning vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1

To successfully complete the IELTS Writing Task 1 test, candidates need to pay attention to certain issues:

  • Use the right synonyms to explain(paraphrase) when rehearsing.
  • Use a lot of complex and less common vocabulary.
  • Try not to repeat words as much as possible, unless there are no alternatives.
  • Pay attention to choose vocabulary(word choice) appropriate to the context in the article.
  • Learn vocabulary by topic and good structures to implement them.
  • Try to apply immediately after learning in at least the next 3 articles so as not to forget vocabulary.

Support every description with metrics. However, candidates do not need to provide every number exactly. Approximate figures can be given using words like "over", "about", "around",...

see more: Synthetic linking words used in IELTS Task 1

Cần lưu ý 1 số vấn đề nhất định khi học Vocabulary For IELTS Writing Task 1

Some notes when learning vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1

Please see moreEnglish vocabulary learning method Super easy by DOL English:

6. IELTS Task 1 Vocabulary FAQ

Is IELTS Writing Task 1 difficult?

What are the principles to develop IELTS Writing Task 1 vocabulary for yourself?

Vocabulary suggestions for Overview in IELTS Writing Task 1

Vocabulary for Body Paragraph

This article has provided youVocabulary For IELTS Writing Task 1 and some common structures. DOL hopes this will be a quality and useful reference for those who are struggling to prepare for IELTS in general and Writing Task 1 in particular.

Do not forget to regularly follow the website www.dolenglish.vn to update more interesting and useful articles about IELTS Writing!

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